Travel - 2013

We like to travel. Here are stories and photos from our trips.

Japan - March 2013

March 7, 2013 to March 16, 2013

Katie and I recently got back from our trip to Japan. We decided to have Penelope stay at home while we traveled, rather than bringing her with us, and this was the first time we had both been away from her at the same time for more than a single night. It was hard for us to be away, and a little hard on Penelope too, but it really worked out for the best. We were able to do the things that we wanted to do that would have been too boring for Penelope, without having to worry about naps and strange potties (she would have loved the food, though).

Glacier National Park - August 2013

August 27, 2013 to August 31, 2013

I've been meaning to post about our trip to Glacier National Park, but with our upcoming move, I got a bit behind. It was a really fun vacation. Unfortunately, I forgot to bring along my travel journal, so I'm going to try to remember all the stuff that we did.