The first laugh

Penelope laughed today! She was on the changing table, which seems to be one of her favorite places. We were doing the standard smiles and baby flirting that she has gotten so good at, and then she giggled! I called Jason right away but he didn't believe me, but I heard it and I marked Penelope's calender with the first laugh sticker. She hasn't done it again today but maybe she is waiting for Jason to come home.

As a side note, Penelope is a big baby flirt. She will look at you with this sly half smile and wait for you to look at her and smile. Then, once you smile at her, she looks away bashfully. Then, she breaks out into this giant grin and moves her arms and legs. It is pretty much the cutest thing ever.

Penelope has also moved on from the grunting (for the most part). She is now an expert cooer and she can say a perfect "ah-goo." Jason is also skeptical about this and says that it doesn't sound like "ah-goo" to him. But, again I am sure about it, that is why I am writing about it. She is also working on a "unga" like sound but she doesn't say that as much as ah-goo. I can also tell that she has fun playing around with her tongue and vocal chords and she is practicing all sorts of whispery noises. This also often takes place on the changing table. I guess she really likes having that diaper changed and wants to put on a show.


how cute! We've had couple little giggles from Dylan (one when Sam was holding him) but I'm not sure they were intentional. They were probably just variations of the little grunts and gurgles and hiccups he usually makes. It's so exciting to hear what Penelope is up to and what we have to look forward to. I can't wait to meet your little baby flirt at Christmas!

Your favorite utterance at this age was unga.
