
So, according to a few of my very few readers, my posts about Penelope seem to focus frequently on her poop. As my Mom told me, I even appear to be proud of Penelope's pooping prowess (try saying that three times fast). Well, I am. I am proud of my little poop machine. As much as I hate dealing with the consequences, I am very fascinated by her fecal feats. And, at least at this point, pooping is one of her primary activities, so it naturally becomes a frequent topic of conversation, both at home and in the blog. I think Katie and I compete for the nastiest poop experience. It helps you stay sane when you are facing down a massive diaper load, because once it is all cleaned up, you can go brag about how much you had to deal with.

So, Penelope, if you ever end up reading this, sorry that I talk about your poop all the time. I'm sure that's embarrassing, but you're probably used to me embarrassing you by now. Just know that I was always proud of all of your accomplishments from day one, including your awesome pooping. Luckily for you, you are starting to do more interesting things, like smile, hold your head up longer during tummy time, sleep like a champ at night, and focus on your mobile and other things. Mom says I should write about that stuff more, so maybe I will next time. But I'll still probably throw in a good poop story every now and then. They are just too much fun.


I think it's good that you're embarassing Penelope early. It will get her prepared for the years to come. ("DaaaAAAD!") Also, it's part of your job as a dad.