Daddy Fail

Well, the moment we have all been waiting for, the inevitable, happened today. Katie has always looked askance at the way I play with Penelope. I'm always careful, but I like to live on the edge, so to speak. Anyway, today, I decided to do some tummy time with Penelope. She has been getting good at holding herself seated with a little assistance. One time previously, I had positioned her so that she was sitting on her butt, but leaning forward on her arms and fists, kind of like a gorilla (a very cute gorilla). This position slowly gave way to a tummy time position, so I decided to try it again. I put her down on the play mat and let her lean forward a bit. Then I let go.... SPLAT! Penelope face planted, right on her cheek and nose! Big loud sound of face on floor, despite the fact that this was on the carpet and the play mat, which is slightly padded. Worst of all, Katie saw the whole thing. Penelope starts crying, and although I felt horrible, I couldn't help but laugh a little bit, mostly at the look of disgust/resignation/"I knew this would happen" that Katie had on her face. So, I picked up Penelope, and started bouncing and soothing her. No physical damage was done, and I soon got her back into a content state. I do feel completely horrible that I let her fall and face plant on the floor, but I do think it's a little funny in the big picture. I'm just glad that my first Daddy Fail was such a minor incident, since I'm sure there are much worse things that could happen. And yes, I promise to be more careful next time with Penelope. Hopefully this will be the one and only post under the Daddy Fail heading.


I like that the worst thing about this whole incident (to you) is that Katie saw it! :) Glad you all are okay.

At least there was no blood and no ER visit involved. Memorable parent fails on our part were toddler Stefan riding on "horsie" daddy and falling off and splitting his lip straight thru. What a mess! And when I turned my back ever so briefly in Curacao on toddler Kate she fell down a flight of cement stairs and landed on a metal grating, miraculously unharmed. I think Pieter has not forgiven me that one to this day.
