Updates from the front lines

It's been a while since I posted anything, so I figured I should share a few little things from the past few weeks. The main news is that Seattle has been HOT! Not northeast humid hot (thank god), but 90+ hot nonetheless. However, the big problem with Seattle is that no one is really prepared for the heat, and now that we have a baby, I guess we fall into that category, too. This weekend, to escape the heat, we got in the car (with A/C) and drove to the mall (with A/C). We actually went to the mall because we needed something, but then we stayed there just to enjoy the cool air. The mall had a surprisingly nice "family room," with private booths for nursing and a row of changing tables and sinks. The only bad part about it was that some parent of a child old enough to eat solid foods clearly disposed of a diaper in the trash (rather than taking it with them) right next to the changing table that I was using. It stank! But other than that it was great.

However, as an example of how unprepared Seattle is for the heat, on Monday Katie, Pieter, and Jo took Penelope to a museum at UW, again in an attempt to beat the heat. Well, it turned out that this museum does not have A/C! Really, a museum without air conditioning? Only in Seattle. So they didn't stay there long and then headed back to the mall. Luckily, today the heat has finally subsided.

In the firsts department, Penelope experienced her first outdoor diaper change, in the trunk of our car. It went quite smoothly. This was as part of our trip to the farmer's market this weekend, during which I carried her around in her baby carrier the whole time (she mostly slept). Katie also had a first: her first experience with long-distance projectile poo (at home, not in the car). I've already had the joy of seeing Penelope's poo cannon in action (and usually getting hit at the same time), but now Katie has seen it, too. It's amazing the distance that she can achieve (at least two feet or so).

In the "new nicknames" department, I now call Penelope a "Penelephant" whenever she makes her grunts and groans. At times, it really does sound like we are at the zoo. The Penelephant usually arrives around 5AM and is gone by 7AM (ie, the last few hours when I am trying to sleep).

I have also developed a new method for inducing baby sleep. I call it "Rock out to put your Penelope out." So far, it has yet to fail me, although time to sleep varies widely. I start by swaddling Penelope, or holding her tightly if it is too hot for a swaddle. Then I put my iPod on, hold her horizontally in my arms, and dance to the music. I find it is best to dance vigorously, although not necessarily well. When she really doesn't want to sleep, it can help to hold her sideways (ie, one ear down, one ear up). Also, a few loud "sshhh's" in her ear can help calm her down in the beginning. But mostly it is the dancing. After a few songs, the eyes are usually closed. The only hard part is then transferring her to her crib to sleep without waking her up.

Lastly, I have a bunch of new pictures that I need to post, but I haven't had the time recently. Hopefully by this weekend or so.



This sounds like what they told us to try in our childbirth class--the "Happiest Baby" method, with swaddling, shushing, and jiggling. (There's an S-term for that too--not shaking, maybe swinging?) You forgot to tell us the most important part, though: what music you're dancing to.

Yes, my method is based on the "Happiest Baby" method, but it's better. It has music! Otherwise, all that baby jiggling (I think they do say shaking, which I remember didn't sound right) gets too boring. As for the music I use, that is proprietary information. I can't give away all my secrets for free. :)

It's "Baby Got Back," isn't it?