Katie's Blog

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Preparing for "school"

Since Jason hasn't posted about this yet, I guess it is up to me. On Wednesday, we all went to visit Penelope's day care center. Finding day care for her was pretty stressful for us. We have been on lots of waitlists since early in my pregnancy. So, we were relieved to be offered a spot at a new center that is very close to where Jason works. Jason had gotten a quick tour when he dropped off our deposit, but Penelope and I hadn't seen it yet.

The first laugh

Penelope laughed today! She was on the changing table, which seems to be one of her favorite places. We were doing the standard smiles and baby flirting that she has gotten so good at, and then she giggled! I called Jason right away but he didn't believe me, but I heard it and I marked Penelope's calender with the first laugh sticker. She hasn't done it again today but maybe she is waiting for Jason to come home.

Baby entertainment

Before I begin, I need to rant about Windows Updater. I had written much of this blog post and then my computer just shut all my programs and restarted! Grrr, I will do my best to recreate what I had before.

Napping is for suckers

Penelope likes to keep us on our toes. I was starting to think that she was starting to have a schedule in the day. She would take two naps in the morning broken up with a feeding and some play time and she would take another nap in the mid-afternoon. Since I now get enough sleep at night to do away with the "sleep when the baby sleeps" plan, I have been using her naps to eat, shower, clean, and get work done for lab.